Civ4 : Planet Roanoke



patch 0.16 b

by: Jenks
on: 7/1/2006 8:53 am

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NOTE: The new Lattice Graphics update will overwrite some of these changes.

0.16b has the following changes and fixes since 0.16 release

PADMEWAN *Simple economy allows rushing at cost (4:1) *Gasplant building graphic in for Aerator *NH3 now accessed via Hothouse, not Aerator *Aeration feature now removed if Aerator removed *'Flavor' and gfx changes to terrain (Very Cold/Cold) *includes the new CvGameCoreDLL.dll AI patch

JENKS *No more 'fresh water lakes' of fibersea *re-linked strategy entries for explore techs *corrected patch install directory (my bad!) *fixed ctd in combat with units without combat values *charismatic trait gives +1 control/base, +15% control/base *efficient trait gives -50% civic upkeep cost, +1 credit/base *bump! food to sustain each population down to 2 from 3 (also base facility now produces minimum 2 rather than 3 food)

I know were not 100% on yields and base population feeding being reduced from 3 to 2, but i think its a unique concept (without much purpose) in roanoke that is confusing for the vanilla AI.

With pads score update and ensuring at least one terrain type has (some) automatic food yield (e.g. fibersea coast) I believe the score (divide by zero) CTD should no longer be an issue - the earlier we bump down base food the easier it will be to balance improvents and other yields around this :)
