Civ4 : Planet Roanoke



'C patch' - xml update for roanoke v0.15a

by: Jenks
on: 6/28/2006 10:52 am

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The C patch modifies many XML files in the Roanoke folder, and includes all the changes from Patch B.

(requires the full 0.15A version to already be installed)

New changes in patch C include:


- all tech costs down by 20% at base (to 40/80/120/160) to help against the lack of building options in Era I

- promotions tree provides more bonuses for increased specialisation (list of suggested changes @ : not 100% finished yet)

- 'Dawn of Man' startup screen reworded so it makes a bit more sense in English

- building traits balanced and made a bit more logical (biosynth/human life support/recycler/fertility clinic)

- HQ specs to match original design (took away +1 happy bonus for Academy/Hive/Spartan HQ's)

- text keys read 'Cyborg' instead of 'Borg', 'Terran' instead of 'Pureblood'

- text for promotions to read 'Base/Bases' instead of 'City/Cities'

- resource tag for 'He-3' now reads 'Helium He-3' to avoid confusion with NH3 / Co2 resources

- added three more Roanoke specific hints (total 6)

- added vanilla entries to pedia temporarily (for comm array and resonance cloak buildings)

- agribots now can travel over lattice (and get back to bases!)


- food bonuses for buildings, to slow base growth/production/advancement in Era I

- 'double production' copper bonus from planetary datalinks, so removing copper resource this will not need changing any more

- 'except vs. Gunpowder units' string for all buildings

- all 'automatic era starts' for buildings
