Civ4 : Planet Roanoke



'b patch' - new xml for roanoke v0.15a

by: Jenks
on: 6/27/2006 2:00 pm

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A 'general tidying up' patch, modifying many XML files in the Roanoke folder.

(requires the full 0.15A version to already be installed)


Following changes included:


- Resonance Cloak building (+25% base defense)

- Building costs changed depending on their appearance in the tech tree (to be balanced later)

- Network Node down to +25% science

- Made the 2nd resonator improvement a 'Lattice Grid', & the Terran Hothouse just 'Hothouse' for simplicity

- Removed Vanilla 'Hints', added Three Roanoke-specific messages

- Changed flavours and score gained by all base structures, gave all Era I buildings appropriately named classes



- unit promotions for PD and Militia (they are not always clear upgrades, i.e. when security are available you cant build the much cheaper PDs for defense any more (woodelf))

- Commented all unused buildings and classes (era II and buildings not yet in game)

- Commented all unused units and classes (species-specific and era II units not yet in game)

- Tidied up code in unitinfos / unitinfoclasses / unitformations (big change - unit classes now more descriptive and ordered)

- Set improvement requirements for terraform/wind turbine/resonator/solar plant to future tech
