Civ4 : Planet Roanoke



Roanoke 0.150 *Major Release*

by: Jenks
on: 6/21/2006 9:07 am

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Major Release 0.150 (executable with textures and sounds include)

This is a major release version, upon which future updates can be patched onto.

- New civilisations  (Diemos)
- New leader traits (Diemos)
- New faction leaders (1 per faction to allow for more players) (Diemos)
- New faction-based HQs (1 leader each for more players) (Diemos)
- set xp caps for barbarians and animals up to 15
- removed all entries for great persons and removed GP points from current wonders
- switched lattice roaming characteristics of the (2,2 and 3,1) animal pulses so only the stronger one can leave the lattice
- gave animal pulses -25% vs airborne units
- general code tidying
- Reduced base energy output of squares back by 1 to slow the quick fire techs at game start
