Civ4 : Planet Roanoke



Roanoke 0.16

by: Jenks
on: 6/30/2006 6:25 pm

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This is major release Roanoke version 0.16.

Full download includes graphics sounds and custom Roanoke map (15 Mb)

See the front page for the latest patch version.

I'd be happy to go on CFC Modpacks with this (*nudges padmewan*) :)

This version has:

A) a big overhaul to the Civilopedia and XML text keys in preparation for future information and strategy entries to be copy/pasted in as they are developed.

B) a rethink of the Wreckage / Mysterious Signal / Salvage system, helping the AI use this effectively and hopefully making scouting more fun :)

Some more details and other minors:
*changed the aerator art in the pedia to match Pad's new aerator button
*editing/tidying the code to match the new faction names
*inputting the full list of flavoured faction base names from the discussion thread
*split the large text keys files into multiple files to easier manage the text keys
*tidied and generated empty pedia entries/quotes/strategies for all units/buildings/technologies etc. so we can fill in as we develop the mod (need some writers!)
*robbed an air elemental button from FfH for the energy pulses :p looks much better than the lion/panther hehe
*(removal of vanilla) and incorporating Roanoke specific Game Concepts (8 'empty' entries exist at present)
*removed the salvage unit, replaced with 5 salvage units with one build ability / production (they are more valuable, but you have to do some scouting work to get them now!)
*modified ai considerably for salvage units, should now be used for buildings
*wreckages now replace the mysterious signals as goody huts (didnt quite fit) scattered around roanoke, with new 'goody' options (which include salvage)
*investigating wreckage sites is always positive, probes and zeppelins get substantially better results
*reassigned some more relevant sounds and ipoints scores to building completions
*loads of boring tidying and editing code changes in every file and bla bla bla ...
